{"id":179440,"date":"2023-08-27T07:26:07","date_gmt":"2023-08-27T07:26:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/hotworldreport.com\/?p=179440"},"modified":"2023-08-27T07:26:07","modified_gmt":"2023-08-27T07:26:07","slug":"your-weekly-tarot-horoscope-for-august-28-to-september-3","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/hotworldreport.com\/lifestyle\/your-weekly-tarot-horoscope-for-august-28-to-september-3\/","title":{"rendered":"Your weekly tarot horoscope for August 28 to September 3"},"content":{"rendered":"
Uranus retrograde (turn off the tech, slow down, think deeply vs quickly) and a Full Blue Super Moon in Pisces (more intuitive, psychic, sensitized feelings and vibes) are upon us this week. <\/p>\n
This definitely feels like the potentially best week of the year to get into your fortune telling, magic, witchcraft, esoteric rituals, and psychic powers. Be woo woo! Go FULL woo woo! You have permission from the cosmos. <\/p>\n
Let the tarot give you a nudge as the message from beyond the veil that is meant for you this magical, mystical week. Meditate on this, ruminate on it, let it expand and clarify a next step for you in life\u2026 <\/p>\n
March 21 to April 20<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Aries for this week: <\/strong>Five of Coins<\/p>\n Meaning: <\/strong>Aries, you don\u2019t let people help you often enough, especially with your heaviest burdens. Why so proud? Don\u2019t you know we ALL go through it, no one is immune from heartbreak and pain. The Five of Coins asks you to share your worries and sorrow, talk about what you feel you\u2019ve lost or done wrong. Get it off your chest. Find people you trust, find ways to unburden yourself without feeling embarrassed or unwelcome. You need to lean in to the support networks around you<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries<\/p>\n April 21 to May 21<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Taurus for this week: <\/strong>Six of Wands<\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> Why don\u2019t you celebrate yourself and your enviable successes more often? You are a very private (dare I say secretive\u2026) person, I know. But surely amongst your inner circle, you can let loose, share the good news, accept the compliments and enjoy your rewards? The Six of Wands wants you to become a confident and generous sharer of successes, a celebrator (you like a party, we know that), and a cheerleader for yourself and others. It will feel good!<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus<\/p>\n May 22 to June 21<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Gemini for this week:<\/strong> The Empress<\/p>\n Meaning<\/strong>: Stop pretending you\u2019re such a hard case, a cold and ruthless operator (I know you can be\u2026), or a heartless cavalier. Gem, you have a BIG heart. You are loyal and loving. You totally ride or die for those you care about, and you make a powerful ally. Accept and embrace this side of yourself vs suppressing it. You are deeply loved. The Empress asks you to stop pushing others away or playing down your feelings and commitments. You have good people around you. And they love you.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini<\/p>\n June 22 to July 23<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Cancer for this week:<\/strong> Seven of Wands<\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> You are right, you will be vindicated, and now is the time for fight\u2026 not flight! Stand up and be counted. Think about your game plan, your battle strategy, your winning tactics. The Seven of Wands shows you are under attack in some form or other, but it\u2019s nothing you can\u2019t handle, and you WILL win through. Not through passivity though, this is an assertive and pro active week. Go show them who you really are, teeth and claws and all!<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer<\/p>\n July 24 to August 23<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Leo for this week:<\/strong> Five of Swords <\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> Use your intuition and gut instincts to guide you towards the healing place, the truce, the compromise that will resolve a long-standing feud or dispute in your life. Enough of this. It has drained enough of your time, energy, positivity, and power. Arguments are draining. You are ready to withdraw from it and, deep down, you know the right route. The Five of Swords asks you to ponder, consider, decide, and then act. Be the bigger person and end this now.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo<\/p>\n August 24 to September 23<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Virgo for this week: <\/strong>Eight of Coins<\/p>\n Meaning: <\/strong>Use this psychically charged week to consider how you best progress with a role, project, task or relationship you\u2019re thoroughly tired of, and maybe feel like quitting. The Eight of Coins says it\u2019s not time to go yet, there\u2019s work to do, and rewards to pick up. A breakthrough lies ahead but you need to come at things from a new angle and try a different approach. Take a pause and ponder what that could be, try a couple of ideas out, and see the results. Don\u2019t quit.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo<\/p>\n September 24 to October 23<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Libra for this week:<\/strong> Strength<\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> Take a step back from the action, Libra, and use this intuitive week to reflect on your hardships, challenges, and obstacles, and how you\u2019ve handled them. The Universe is bringing you the Strength card which is like a round of applause for doing so well, tackling the issues, winning through, and pushing ahead. Power to you. There are life lessons in what unfolded and they\u2019re now ready to access, so spend a bit of time thinking through what you\u2019ve learned.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra<\/p>\n October 24 to November 22<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Scorpio for this week: <\/strong>The Moon<\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> Of all of the signs, this is YOUR week to go FULL woo woo, as shown by the mysterious Moon card. There is a message awaiting you, it\u2019s stored in your sub conscious and hoping that you can slow down, tune in, and listen this week. Get your cards out, lucid dream, scry, moon gaze, talk to spirit, ask for guidance, meditate\u2026 Whatever helps you access your inner voice and wisdom, do it, do it every day. Powerful insight is coming. A big secret or revelation will be unveiled.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio<\/p>\n November 23 to December 21<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Sagittarius for this week: <\/strong>The Hermit<\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> Retreat to your philosophy cave and be alone, shut out distraction, and get your head into something complex, deep, and absorbing. The Hermit is inviting you to be alone, seek solitude, and use the quiet to gain enlightenment and wisdom about something. Research, read, question, create, meditate, dig. You might already know what you need to spend time on. If not, then consider what feels important but complicated. A topic or question you\u2019d gain benefit from working on but have felt overwhelmed by. NOW is the time.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius<\/p>\n December 22 to January 21<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Capricorn for this week:<\/strong> Nine of Wands<\/p>\n Meaning: <\/strong>Pick the thing that is bothering you, weighing heavily on your mind, and tackle it this week, utilise those intuitive powers to figure out the best way over, round or through the obstacle. The Nine of Wands is going to help you and bring you whatever resources or energies you need to get this tricky job done. You will be amazed how far, and howe fast, you can make headway. You will be surprised how easy this turns out to be. Don\u2019t waste any more time, get to it.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn<\/p>\n January 22 to February 19<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Aquarius for this week:<\/strong> Page of Swords<\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> The Page of Swords advises you to use this week to work your way through all of the unanswered questions, outstanding decisions, and half-finished items on your to-do list. Go where there is uncertainty or indecision. Get stuff sorted out, make your mind up, clarify the issue, get the truth, seek the right way ahead. The only issue is that you don\u2019t have enough info and therefore you\u2019ve remained on the fence. Time to decide.<\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius<\/p>\n February 20 to March 20<\/em><\/p>\n Tarot card for Pisces for this week:<\/strong> Three of Coins<\/p>\n Meaning:<\/strong> Consider who, in your life, has influence, has access to opportunities you wish to pursue, has advice you could use, has experience you could learn from, has something you want. Name them, think about your current status with them. This is a week, with the admiring Three of Coins, to work out how you get closer to those who can really help you in this life. Everyone can help each other. Remember that whatever favours are granted to you, you owe to another! Live in good karma, helping out and being helped. <\/p>\n Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces<\/p>\n Your daily Metro.co.uk horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.<\/strong><\/p>\n Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring<\/em>\u00a0forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure,\u00a0through Etsy\u00a0or\u00a0join her new Tarot Club\u00a0and get weekly forecasts and more for \u00a35 a month.<\/em><\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Gemini <\/h2>\n