My wife had an affair and the divorce has left me broken – I've given up on life | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE my ex-wife took me to the cleaners, I’ve given up on life.

I’m penniless, live in a rented room and feel I can’t trust anyone.

Suicide is beginning to seem like the only way out. I’m 48 and my ex-wife is 42.

We were married for ten years and have a nine-year-old daughter.

Last year, I found out she’d been having an affair. It then transpired she had racked up debts in my name. But despite her behaviour, she got to keep the house and our daughter, while I lost everything.

The only thing that keeps me going is seeing my daughter on alternate weekends. She’s the light of my life.

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The rest of the time I feel desperately lonely and hopeless.

I’ve tried dating apps but they only make me more depressed. I either get rejected or scammed.

My friends don’t know what to say.

The worse I feel, the more they keep away.

I just need something, anything, to make me feel life is worth living again.

DEIDRE SAYS:  Life never stays the same – things will change for you.

Please get help.

Talk to your doctor about your depression and be honest about your suicidal feelings.

See my support pack about this.

Talking to friends and family really will help so try sharing how you are feeling.

Contact CALM – The Campaign Against Living Miserably (, 0800 58 58 58).

Dating apps aren’t for everyone. Maybe heal before trying dating again.


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