BBC apologises for 'errors' in Diana interview disclosure

Documentary maker accuses BBC of ‘cover-ups and lies’ over Martin Bashir’s interview with Princess Diana

  • The broadcaster is accused of failing to release material relating to the scandal 

A documentary maker has accused the BBC of performing a ‘cover-up’ and failing to release material relating to Martin Bashir’s interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.

The corporation was accused of not sending out material under Freedom of Information (FOI) law about how it handled the scandal over the interview when it came to light in 2020.

During closing speeches at a tribunal which would decide whether details should be released under FOI law, documentary maker Andrew Webb, who initially exposed Mr Bashir, described the BBC’s actions as a ‘cover-up’ 

The BBC has since apologised for ‘errors’ in its handling of disclosure relating to the interview, with Diana’s brother Earl Spencer even being called to give evidence today.

The scandal emerged after the then head of news at the BBC, Lord Hall of Birkenhead, suggested in a confidential briefing that Earl Spencer had given Mr Bashir bank statements.

The BBC has been accused of a ‘cover-up’ and failing to release material under Freedom of Information (FOI) law relating to how it handled the scandal over Prince Diana’s interview with Martin Bashir (pictured)

Martin Bashir (pictured) faked bank statements and showed them to Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, to gain access to her in 1995

Bashir was in ‘serious breach’ of the BBC’s producer guidelines when he faked bank statements and showed them to Earl Spencer to gain access to Diana in 1995.

Diana famously told the BBC journalist in the interview: ‘There were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded.’

Mr Webb and the BBC have now agreed for the documentary maker to see a sample of documents as a compromise, the tribunal heard, after he initially complained the broadcaster had failed to release more than 3,000 emails related to its handling of the scandal.

In his closing speech on Tuesday, Mr Webb spoke of how he was in no doubt, after showing Earl Spencer the initial FOI disclosure from the BBC that what the broadcaster said was ‘not true’.

He said: ‘This allegation is such a huge claim to publish about anyone.

‘The only thing to do in that situation was to go to the horse’s mouth and say ‘look, this is what the BBC were saying, what gives?’

‘I got a very speedy response from his secretary and the phone rang.

‘At the end of that call I was absolutely satisfied that what the BBC had said was not true.’

Earl Spencer, the brother of Diana, was pictured arriving at BBC Broadcasting House today

Mr Webb continued to question whether the BBC had ‘unashamedly’ released documents for ‘what they would say is good stuff… and withholding what they would say is bad stuff.’

He added: ‘So I submitted an FOI request which is why we are here today.’

Mr Webb told the tribunal he believed the actions of BBC executives were to ‘give this 1996 cover-up a new lease of life’ and to make sure ‘Martin Bashir would never be brought to the book’.

Acting on behalf of the BBC, barrister Jason Pobjoy said mistakes were made in ‘good faith’.

In his closing speech, he said: ‘The BBC does accept and has accepted that mistakes were made in this case – particularly in dealing with the initial request.

‘I want to apologise again on behalf of the BBC for these errors.

‘Not withstanding these mistakes, the BBC’s position is they were mistakes but in good faith.’

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