Red Arrows soar over thousands on final day of Bournemouth air show

Red Arrows soar over thousands of aviation fans on final day of Bournemouth air show after Spitfires and Typhoons also take to the skies

  • Thousands gathered across Bournemouth’s beaches to watch displays
  • Festival organisers were forced to cancel the first day due to bad weather
  • Spitfires, Typhoons and Lancaster Bombers were seen soaring overhead

Britain’s Red Arrows took to the skies and thrilled thousands on the final day of Bournemouth Air Festival with an impressive acrobatic display. 

Pilots from the world-famous aerial acrobatics team were seen showing off their flying prowess on the same day that Spitfires, Typhoons and Chinooks flew over festivalgoers gathered on beaches in Bournemouth for the three-day event that ended on Sunday. 

Lancaster Bombers and Hurricanes took to the skies to commemorate the Battle of Britain, as well as the thousands of people who have died for Britain. 

On top of this, the British Army’s Tigers Freefall Parachute team were seen gracefully falling back down to the earth, carrying Union Jacks with them. 

Though Sunday went by without any problems, festival organisers were forced to cancel all the displays on Friday due to poor weather conditions.

The world-famous Red Arrows flew in displays across all days of the festival

Thousands were seen soaking up rays and taking in the impressive feats across Bournemouth

Though hugely popular, the festival’s future currently hangs in the balance 

Festivalgoers were seen on beaches miles away from Bournemouth pier enjoying the festival 

The first day of the festival was sadly cancelled due to poor weather, though all the other days were allowed to go ahead

The British Army sent a parachute display team to show off their skills at the festival 

Lancaster Bombers were seen prowling overhead at the festival, which has been running for 15 years

While many of the impressive displays took place throughout the day, several maverick flyers were given the chance to conduct dusk displays throughout the festival.  

Who flew on the last day of Bournemouth Air Festival 2023?

Tigers FFT Parachute Display Team

Yakovlev 50

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

RAF Typhoon

T-67 Firefly

RAFAT Red Arrows

AeroSuperBatics Wingwalkers




Super Pitts Muscle Bi-Plane


Spitfire & Mustang

RAF Chinook

Typhoon fighter jets were seen roaring through near-dark skies. 

Meanwhile, a Schweizer 300 was seen shooting fireworks as dusk fell, lighting up the night sky. 

A spokesperson said at the time: ‘Displays that have had to sadly be cancelled [on Friday] due to the weather include the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, the Rolls Royce Spitfire and Mustang displays and the Firefly.’ 

This year’s Air Festival was the 15th time it has been held. Its organisers claim that nearly 11 million people have been to the event. 

But in a surprise move that goes against 15 years of tradition, no new dates for next year’s festival have been announced. 

Traditionally, the dates of the following year’s festival are announced at the end of the three-day event. 

The Bournemouth Echo reported that Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council are still looking at ‘future options’ for the popular festival. 

BCP Council’s Lib Dem leader Vikki Slade said in a statement in June:  ‘We are pragmatic and honest regarding the council’s financial position, and while there are discussions to be had regarding all events, it is important we take the opportunity as a cabinet to look at future options for the Bournemouth Air Festival, from 2024 onwards.’

Local opposition politicians have railed against the council’s leadership. 

Local leaders are reportedly trying to cancel the festival, which organisers claim has brought nearly 11 million visitors to the area

One local politician said: I can think of no other event or initiative that brings in that much to the local economy for such little investment’

Phillip Broadhead, the Tory leader of the council’s opposition party said at the time: ‘It now looks inevitable that the new Lib Dem led alliance is clear in their intent to see the end of this much-loved part of our area’s tourist offer.’

‘This is not about money; the cost to the council after taking into account all of the extra income from ice creams, parking etc is in the £10,000s.

‘And yet independent analysis shows that this event brings in circa £59m to the local economy each year. 

‘I can think of no other event or initiative that brings in that much to the local economy for such little investment.

‘Instead, this is about ideology: and a view from many parties that this amazing festival which attracts almost one million visitors per year doesn’t fit in with their agenda. 

‘We know the hospitality industry vehemently disagrees with its scrapping and the Conservatives will continually campaign for this mainstay of our calendar to stay.’

BCP Council has been contacted for comment.  

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