Cost of Living payment updates — Brits to receive next £300 DWP autumn cash boost from TODAY – find out if you qualify | The Sun

ELIGIBLE Brits will begin receiving the second instalment of this year's Cost of Living payment from today.

Overall, Brits on means-tested benefits will be granted £900 to help with bills and the soaring cost of living in three separate payments.

Households on certain benefits, including Universal Credit, will receive the £300 payment directly into their bank accounts from today, October 31, with the last payments being sent on November 19.

Those eligible for the tax-free payment won't have to do anything as it will be made automatically.

The full list of benefits that qualify people for the payment includes: Universal Credit; income-based jobseekers allowance; income-related employment and support allowance; income support; working tax credit; child tax credit and pension credit.

Read our live blog below for the latest news and updates…

  • By Henry Moore

    What is the Household Support Fund?

    The Household Support Fund was launched in October 2021 to help Brits pay their way through winter amid a cost of living crisis.

    Councils up and down the country got a slice of the £500million funding available to dish out to Brits in need.

    The help you can get varies depending on who your local council is, as well as your personal situation.

    But you may be able to get free cash and vouchers to help pay for things like heating your home or to cover the costs of your weekly grocery shop.

    If an applicant is already receiving benefits, these will not be affected by the HSF.

    And, you do not need to be getting benefits to receive vouchers or funds from the HSF.

    Find out more here.

  • By Henry Moore

    Are you eligible for the disability cost of living payment?

    A £150 cost of living payment was paid to six million people with disabilities earlier this summer.

    The tax-free cash went out between June 20 and July 4.

    A small number of people saw the £150 land in their accounts after July 4, however.

    This applied if you were awaiting confirmation of your eligibility for the qualifying benefits on April 1.

    You had to be receiving the below benefits to qualify for the £150 cost of living payment:

    • Disability Living Allowance
    • Personal Independence Payment
    • Attendance Allowance
    • Scottish Disability Benefits (Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment)
    • Armed Forces Independence Payment
    • Constant Attendance Allowance
    • War Pension Mobility Supplement

    Can I work while on Universal Credit?

    The government says that the flagship welfare system has been designed to help people get back into work.

    This means you can work as many hours as you want while claiming benefits but it may reduce the amount you get.

    This is due to your wages will be subject to the taper rate: for every £1 you earn, your Universal Credit payment will go down 55p.

    If you’ve got a job and a child who is dependent on you or you can’t work due to an illness then you might be entitled to a work allowance.

    This is the amount you can earn every month before the taper rate kicks in.

    If you get help with your housing costs then this will be set at £344, or £573 if you don’t.

    If you don’t get a work allowance then all of your salary is subject to the taper rate.

    • By Henry Moore

      When will the cost of living payment arrive?

      The cost of living payment, worth £300, will begin hitting bank accounts from today, October 31.

      But fear not, if the money doesn't arrive today, you still have several weeks to get the cash.

      The final payment will be made on November 19.

    • By Henry Moore

      What do you need to do to receive the payment?

      Those eligible for the tax-free payment won’t have to do anything as it will be made automatically.

      The £300 payment is the second of three payments that form the £900 support.

      The first instalment worth £301 was paid out to over eight million households in April and May.

      And from today, millions will once again receive cash to help overcome the soaring cost of living.

    • By Henry Moore

      What is Universal Credit?

      Universal Credit is a welfare scheme which was designed to combine a number of old “legacy benefits” into a single monthly payment.

      The old legacy benefits it replaced are:

      • Child Tax Credit
      • Housing Benefit
      • Income Support
      • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
      • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
      • Working Tax Credit

      What is the pensioner cost of living payment?

      A £300 pensioner cost of living payment will also be made during the winter.

      If you were entitled to a Winter Fuel Payment for Winter 2023 to 2024, you will get the extra cash paid with your normal payment.

      The full amount of Winter Fuel Payment – including the Pensioner Cost of Living Payment – you will get for winter 2023 to 2024 depends on when you were born and your circumstances during the qualifying dates.

      You can get a Winter Fuel Payment for winter 2023 to 2024 if you were born before 24 September 1957.

      A letter will be sent to you telling you how much Winter Fuel Payment you'll get if you're eligible.

      Check if you are entitled to benefits

      A number of charities have benefits calculators that you can use to work out if you are entitled to any extra help.

      This includes:

      • Turn2Us
      • Policy in Practice
      • EntitledTo

      It's worth looking into as if you do qualify, it could make you eligible for the £900 cost of living payment too.

      Before you do use such a tool, you should make sure you have all the relevant paperwork to hand, including bank statements and any information on pensions and existing benefits.

      Free debt advice

      If you’re in debt there are plenty of services you can take advantage of and they offer free advice on how to manage debt.

      Most of them can offer you free guidance and help in person, over the telephone or online.

      • Money Helper – 0800 138 7777
      • Citizens Advice – 0808 800 9060
      • StepChange – 0800 138 1111
      • National Debtline – 0808 808 4000
      • By Henry Moore

        Do you qualify for today's payment?

        The full list of benefits that qualify people for the payments is:

        • Universal Credit
        • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
        • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
        • Income Support
        • Working Tax Credit
        • Child Tax Credit
        • Pension credit

        Cost of living payment to hit accounts today

        Eligible Brits will begin receiving the latest Cost of Living payment from today.

        The second instalment will go out to households on benefits between October 31 and November 19.

        Households on tax credits only will receive their payment from HMRC between November 10 and November 19.

        Source: Read Full Article