‘I’m glad I embraced my grey hair years ago – women aren’t meant to be flawless’

Grey is the way, according to one stunning mum.

Jacqueline Hooton, 60, from West Sussex, is known for fighting against ageing with fitness. She's showing women over 50 that you can be both fabulous and fit at any age. In fact, she's taken to body building in later life, even though she's not the best at it.

More recently she's opened up about her lushious locks, as she's proud to embrace the grey. Ageing is a part of life, and she said you can be natural and still be beautiful.

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When it comes to growing older, she said everyone approaches it differently, and there's no right or wrong. The mum said everyone does different things to feel better about themselves, and it's perfectly fine.

For her, embracing her silver locks has been a great part of growing older, but that doesn't mean everyone should do the same. Jacqueline said women aren't meant to be "flawless", so they should stop striving to be.

Instead, we should focus on embracing ourselves and what makes us truly happy.

Writing on Instagram, Jacqueline said: "I’m not here to pick sides or divide. I respect other women’s autonomy and right to choose. As we grow older we are as diverse as any other age group. Pro-ageing is an attitude, not a uniform!

"Just because I stopped colouring my hair several years ago, and now wear my hair grey, it doesn’t mean I think other midlife women should also embrace their grey hair.

"We have our personal preferences, style, and taste, at every age. 'Natural' beauty becomes ugly if it’s worn as a badge of honour to berate other women with.

"Removing the stigma of growing older will perhaps, one day, reduce the pressure on women to look youthful and flawless though. When society fully accepts a woman is worthy at every age, and age stereotyping and discrimination is a thing of the past, women will no longer fear growing older.

"It saddens me when I see the pro ageing space becoming a battleground dictating how women should look, act or behave as they grow older."

She continued: "The ONLY thing I encourage and promote is women taking an active approach to ageing, engaging in physical activity to support healthier ageing. Because how we feel and function is critical to our independence in older age.

"All women are welcome here. This is a judgement free zone."

Since Jacqueline shared the post more than 5,300 people have liked it, and several people have commented too. Lots of different views were shared, but many thanks the mum for opening up about the matter and addressing the issues surrounding "beauty standards".

One person said: "Well done!! It’s actually ALL fine really. From a personal point of view I like having grey hair- it matches my face, it’s in better condition for not being dyed and it’s incredibly ‘cheap to run’. I do have regular haircuts though!"

Another added: "Great post. Had my hair cut short recently and people’s reactions are amusing!! Years ago negative reactions would have bothered me… so I guess that’s another gift of getting older. Plus… I like it myself."

A third also replied: "It’s does become exhausting and disappointing when everything seems to be focused on having to choose sides! When we begin to accept people as they are and appreciate that they have a choice which at not be the same as ours then we can create a space of kindness and compassion. Great post."

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